Lixus pulverulentus  (Scopoli, 1763)
Main synonym = Lixus algirus    Linnaeus, 1758
Taxonomical Classification:  Animalia / Arthropoda / Insecta / Coleoptera / Curculionidae
Elongated Bean Weevil     Qirda tal-Ful
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One of the largest weevils in the Maltese islands, some individuals reaching up to almost 18mm in length. The exoskeleton is a dark olive-green, but adults are usually tinged red or yellow, depending on the flowers visited. In Maltese literature, it was recorded about 100 years ago, namely by Cameron and Caruana-Gatto (1907) as Lixus algirus in their list of Coleoptera of the Maltese islands (1907). It is found on different kinds of plants, but mostly on species of the plant families of Asteraceae, Malvaceae and Fabaceae. The larvae develop within plant stems. A common weevil, this taxon is possibly a complex of closely-related species.

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